Is your wallet starving from emptiness?

I talked with a gentleman the other day that was telling me how hard he had it financially.  I listened to him as he told me that he was working 2 jobs to support his family and was trying to find a third just to make ends meet!!  I asked him what jobs he had and 2 of them were full of manual labor and one was a delivery job.  I asked if he was happy.  He said with a smile on his face “Its just the way its gotta be, and I ain’t afraid of work”.

Now let me first say that I respect this person or anyone like him for giving their best shot at survival, or what they may call “living”.  But I just don’t think that’s the way its got to be.

I had a friend of mine call me the other day talking about how hard his job was and how he wished he could just enjoy this beautiful weather we are having in the area.  He said “man could you imagine being retired at 40”.  He told me how he wished he could spend more time with his kids but him and his wife were working so hard to make ends meet.  They both had full time jobs and didn’t know what more they could do.

See I think we all have the dream to be free from the day to day working for “the man”.  We want to be able to live on our terms.  Go outside and play football with friends, go on a road trip when we want to.  Get on the ole motorcycle and let the wind blow through your hair… that is if you have hair at 40!

But this is what I see so many people doing:  As soon as they get a little extra money they purchase the next thing on their list of things they want.  Its purchased, sometimes before the cash is even there to buy it.

Now let me stop right here before your blood starts boiling or you start feeling that I am raining on your parade.  I’m all for buying the good stuff!  I love trips, cars, TV’s, PS3’s, Big Sound Systems, Tools, DooDads, Trinkets, Thing-a-ma-bobs, Whosey-Whats-Its, and all the other things you can ever imagine.

BUTTTTTT….  There is a time and a place!  There is a balance that has to be achieved.

What would happen if you started getting a little extra money and you started investing it into something?  And no, investing is NOT buying a hot rod because it will “Hold its value”…. That is not even close to investing!

What is investing?….  Investing is purchasing assets that will put money into your wallet each month instead of take it out.  Things that feed you not things that require you to feed it.

If you began to invest and it started putting money back into your wallet whats to say that money has to stop flowing…. why can’t it get bigger?  What if that investment turned into multiple investments?… Couldn’t that get you closer to your freedom?

To purchase a doodad helps your forget all the stuff while setting on the couch after a hard days work.

To invest in an asset allows you to enjoy all the stuff after an easy days play.

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